unlimited coins in subway surfer-how to hack subway surfer coins and keys

Hacking unlimited coins and keys in subway surfer

subway surfer is one of the most played app played on android devices & IOS also 
this game is similar to temple run 
meanwhile have a look to Best alternatives of Subway surfer and temple run
You have to run your avatar and keep it running and collect coins, bonuses, and mystery boxes which give you keys and other alike rewards. While running you need to stay away from the Ticket Inspector and protect yourself from the fast coming trains, Once you collide with a train and get slow the inspector will catch you and if you collide with a train completely your avatar will die and the game will be over

the main concept of game is to protect yourself from coming trains and inspector running behind you 
The themes in the game keep changing based on a world tour after a specific interval of time and the avatar visits different countries.

So far we have had following themes in the Subway Surfers World Tour

1. Subway Surfers World Tour New York – January 2013
The very first country for the Subway Surfers as a part of the world tour was New York which was released in January 2013 and was given a free upgrade to users. a new character was introduced in the game named "tony" was costed worth 95,000 coins in$

2. World tour Rio  Feb 2013
company rolled out a new upgrade just after one month named Rio  this time the players had a chance to enjoy the game in sunny city Rio. as new always brings something new this version also bought new power ups and more 

3. world tour Rome march 2013 
this time players were introduced with a new feature of running on the road of more
this version revamped a new feature name egg hunt in which users have to collect  eggs and in return will be awarded with unique prizes
4. tour sydney
5.tour tokyo
7. paris 
8. beijing
9. moscow
so these were the series which came under subway surfer tour 

Basically the game prompts the players to run and collect coins and make score to unlock higher upgrades, but if you find it hard, you may not need to worry at all as we are going to tell you how you can get unlimited coins and keys in the Passed & Currently ongoing Tours of Subway Surfers for Android.

Trick for unlimited coins in subway surfer 

How to install it:- 

  1. First of all you need to delete / uninstall any previously installed version of Subway Surfers.
  2. Downl
    oad the your desired tour’s apk file, links are  attached below. If you are downloading it on your computer, you’ll need to put the downloaded apk file on your phone’s storage, or else download it straightly to your phone.
  3. in some of the games you have to play the tutorial and then die then u will get unlimited coins
  4. apk stands for Application Package File and contains the setup of your desired app.
  5. Open the download apk file and install it. Phewww.. You are done and you have Subway Surfers now with Unlimited Coins & Keys.
If you wish to restore your previous stats, you’ll simply need to lo gin into your Facebook account.
You can uninstall the game and install any other version of the game in the same way.
Please note that these are not the patched files, these are complete games and modified for unlimited coins and keys. Download below.

Now you will have unlimited coins as shown here 

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